Leadership In 2022 and Beyond.
Traditional Leadership is full of ruthless managers who focus solely on profit and margin.
Y es, that is our business, and if you do your part honestly and we do ours, you will never have to question that again.
1. Be Honest during underwriting. Insures accept risk based on your disclosures. They will not pay if you were not truthful. The simple answer here is. IF you cannot get cover, or your premium is “loaded” [Higher than expected] as an outcome, it is better than paying for a dream that will turn into a nightmare. There are many other suitable avenues we can help you explore.
2. MY RA does not always perform well. Unfortunately, regulation limits us here [regulation 28], however we often forget about the legislated tax deductibility actually as it technically can increase the return by up to 27.5% (tax rebate on premiums) and the tax benefit on growth and retirement tax treatment.
3. My accountant does not think an endowment RA is a good idea. Let accountants and other professionals do their work, a qualified, professional advisor is just that. Let us [them] do theirs.
4. My friends did not get paid. See point one.
5. A Will is not necessary. Google “Guardians Fund,” and then give us a call.
6. All advisors want is commission. Yes, everybody needs to earn. But some actually earn it, others well see point 5 after the comma...
Happy May. May your finances be safe guarded. And relevant.
*The information in article does not, and is not intended to, constitute financial advice and materials on this site are for general informational purposes only.
Traditional Leadership is full of ruthless managers who focus solely on profit and margin.